The lyrical “life of Lily ”


There’s a new sound that has found it’s home in the pulsating streets of New York City.

It’s the kind of voice that: lulls you to sleep; whispers adoration in your ear, and seeps in buckets of magic. In a city that never sleeps, and a world that knows no limits, it’s a rare gem looking for an audience.


There’s a sort of childlike innocence to Lily, that pivots between a realm of ethereal almost celestial nature. While on the other hand it’s spunky, quirky and unlike any other.

Lily’s not an easy one to box. Maybe that’s her inner bouncy Irish lepricon. Or perhaps her boundless Welsh spirit. just like Bjork and Enya, Lily takes authenticity to another level in her sound, look, and style.

I think Lily just gave the label Indie a whole new face.

There is an distinctive Country and indie-pop influence with a hint of Irishness. You can…

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